Elementary Program


The Elementary Program consists of Lower and Upper Elementary classrooms.  Lower El includes first, second and third grades.  Upper El includes fourth, fifth and sixth grades.  At each level, you will find a continuing, three-year, thematic curriculum that is built on the same foundations of the Primary Program.

Trinity’s Elementary Program encourages children to pursue their interests and continue making responsible choices for self-motivated instruction. The elementary curriculum integrates multiple subjects into an increasingly hands-on and tangible learning environment and includes STEM and STEAM within the newly built Flaum STEM Lab, Mathematics, Science, History & Culture, Art & Music, Spanish, Physical and Health Education, Experiential, Enrichment and Homework. 

The elementary curriculum is designed to nuture imagination and reason and empowers children to seek knowledge beyond the classroom. It helps children work collaboratively and cooperatively, allowing them to transition well into other schools.