Please Give to Trinity’s Annual Campaign

Please Give to Trinity’s Annual Campaign. Here’s Why:

We are so happy to be with our students! Trinity Montessori is proud to be one of the few schools in our area offering families five days of in-school instruction along with after-school care. This is an incredible accomplishment that requires strategic and costly measures, along with your continued support!

We are doing all we can to deal with the loss of revenue while working to cover the high cost of  safely staying with our students in school. We installed an upgraded ventilation system and purchased the new Sani Spray disinfecting system.  Each desk and seating area includes a sanitary partition to protect each other from sneezes and coughs. Hand sanitizer, masks, paper towels, Lysol, are in constant supply.  These additional and costly expenses have impacted our fiscal realities but are necessary to ensure a healthy and safe environment.

We remain the largest, private Montessori School in Western and Central New York. Even now, our students continue to receive weekly remote lessons in Spanish, music, computers and physical education.

Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Learn more about our Annual Campaign

2021-2022 Annual Campaign Donation Form