Extended Day Program

PRIMARYThe Extended Day Program

For introductory information on this program, please read our articles on the Primary Classroom and the Prepared environment HERE.

The Extended Day program teaches children who are 4-5 years old. For those children who are 5 by December 1st, this year will be considered their Kindergarten year. Their morning is spent with the multi-age group, receiving lessons, working independently or in small groups, and helping the younger children. Statistics show that when an older child helps a younger child, it reinforces their academic knowledge and enhances self- esteem and self- confidence.

After the lunch and recess period, the extended academic day resumes. Time is build in for special projects, class trips, and studies indicative to the interests of the more sophisticated works of the Montessori sequence.

Addition curriculum activities include:

  • Computer Lab
  • Spanish
  • Physical Education
  • Experiential
  • Enrichment

At Trinity Montessori part of our Extended Academic Day Curriculum Is dedicated to the study of the heritage of their classmates. The children investigate their family roots, study geography, customs, food and the music from each child’s family. The study is culminated by an international celebration where the children wear costumes, perform native dances and songs, and demonstrate a great respect for the cultures and nationalities from all around the world.